

Industry news


Into 2013, show in front of the petrochemical industry is the global economic changes, the depth of the world's energy adjustment, domestic energy and oil and gas changes surging.
The face of world economic recovery slowed down in the context of macroeconomic downturn, the petrochemical industry to maintain a stable development trend. In early May, the China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Association issued a quarterly report shows that the industry-wide output value increased by 9.5%, fixed asset investment grew 16.7%, total exports grew 3.5%. Although the first quarter of the petrochemical industry growth slowed, but the performance is still satisfactory.
Investment steadily higher, petrochemical industry, fixed asset investment grew 16.7%
The report shows that the first quarter of the petrochemical industry mainly to maintain production growth, investment growth steadily higher, steady growth in exports, energy demand growth slowed down and industry efficiency continues to improve the five characteristics.
In terms of production, from 1 to 3 months, the total output of crude oil (oil equivalent) increased by 3.6% year on year, and continued to grow rapidly. The total output of major chemicals increased by 5.7%. Overall, crude oil growth accelerated, natural gas slowdown, ethylene growth was stable, fertilizer growth rate down trend.
In terms of investment, the first quarter of the petrochemical industry investment in fixed assets 263.795 billion yuan, an increase of 16.7%. Among them, the refining industry to accelerate investment growth, basic chemical raw materials and coating (Yan) materials manufacturing industry to maintain a relatively high investment growth, investment in the western region grew rapidly, domestic enterprises to maintain rapid growth in investment, foreign investment The first decline.
On the export side, the overall growth of the petrochemical industry in the first quarter was stable, with a total import and export volume of US $ 157.753 billion. The accumulated deficit decreased by 5.9% year on year, showing a decline in crude oil imports, a decline in exports of rubber products and a faster export of fertilizer. Among them, the western region is the "star area" of import and export, import and export growth is relatively fast, showing that China's western region petrochemical industry development work to achieve certain results.
In terms of energy demand, China's oil and natural gas apparent consumption of 160 million tons (oil equivalent), an increase of 1.3%, down 1.6 percentage points from January to February; the total consumption of major chemicals increased by 5.6 %, Compared with 1 to 2 months increased by 3.1 percentage points.
A quarter of petrochemical market demand growth in general weak, most of the chemicals prices.
Experts said that from the first quarter of the price of chemical products, the slowdown in market demand growth will be long-term trend, the slowdown may be more than previously expected.
Bulk chemicals market capacity this year is relatively stable, the difficulty of expansion will continue to increase. It is noteworthy that special chemicals, specialty chemicals, fine chemicals, etc. will become the main force of consumption growth.
As the US economic recovery is slow, the euro zone economic problems frequently, China's export situation of chemical products is not optimistic. As a result, expanding domestic demand is an important measure to control future market trends. The role of government in guiding consumption will be more prominent, means by the previous focus on investment to guide the ultimate consumption, cultivate new consumption growth point.
For enterprises, the face of limited demand, only the pursuit of self-value. However, the first quarter of the industry restructuring, the pace of upgrading is relatively slow, can not fully adapt to the changes in the market environment has become more prominent problem.
"The excess of the industry is still growing, phosphate fertilizer, caustic soda, methanol, calcium carbide, PVC and other products market demand growth is limited, but the upstream is expanding, the competitive environment is getting worse." Experts said, "product structure aging, Grade is not high, has been unable to adapt to changes in market demand, domestic products, general, low - end pattern is not a big change.
The second quarter of the industry economic growth or speed up
In the second quarter, China will continue to implement a proactive fiscal policy and a prudent monetary policy to further strengthen and improve macro-control, accelerate the transformation of government functions, speed up the transformation and upgrading and structural adjustment. Overall, the macroeconomic will continue to run smoothly, steady and fast.
"The first quarter of the oil and chemical industry economic operation report" also proposed that the second quarter of the industry economic growth over the previous quarter will be significantly improved. China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation President Li Yongwu said that there are three main reasons.
First, demand expansion steadily accelerated. Data show that in March the growth rate of oil and chemical products was significantly faster than 1 to 2 months, upstream and downstream related industries growth is also speed, the second quarter of this situation will be consolidated development. With the warming of the weather, industrial and agricultural production activities in the northern region will become more active and further support the demand.
Second, the benefits continue to maintain a good momentum for the smooth operation of the industry to provide the internal driving force. The first quarter of the industry revenue growth is more than a year for the first time with the cost of expansion, showing that industry benefits are entering a virtuous stage. The current industry price decline, the greater the cost is due to lower costs, the benefits have not yet constitute a fundamental threat. Which also reflects from the other side of the positive changes in industrial restructuring.
Third, the second quarter of last year, lower growth rate, the base is small, so this year will grow faster than the growth rate.
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